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A Few Important Testimonials by Clients


Working with Jonathan has not only helped me in my work environment and with my team, but also in my personal life. It’s been a great experience to get feedback and insights and have the opportunity to share ideas with Jonathan before I bring up these subjects with my manager or the rest of my team. Part coach, part therapist, and always professional, Jonathan helps me navigate the choppy waters we may all experience, and I always feel invigorated after our sessions together. As I began working closely with Jonathan, the feedback I got from my team focused on some behaviors and certain things I could be doing better. Jonathan provided a safe setting to share this feedback, allowing me to think about what I could be doing to improve this experience for my co-workers and myself. It’s been a great experience for me, one that has improved my focus at work and sparked a renewed passion in all aspects of my life.

– Allyn Donigian, Director of Marketing & Channel Management, CyberData Corporation; Executive Coaching Client

Robert Weiner Jr.

Before Jon we did have weekly family meetings, but they didn’t start on time and it was easy for someone to miss them. Just putting a hard start and stop time to the meetings made them easier to attend and more enjoyable knowing there was an agenda and we had to stick to it. Plus when someone did miss a meeting, there was a recap sent out that allowed everyone to stay on the same page. The big win has been all the time we have gotten back by making our meetings razor sharp where we tackle hard issues quickly and efficiently. Decisions are made, TO-DOs are established and accountability is visible to all. This only took about 2 months for everyone to buy in to the program and start really using all the tools available.

– Robert Weiner, CEO, StarBox, Inc.

Next generation leaders Grace Eleyae testimonials

We are a family-owned business that has been in operation for only three years, and our revenue continues to grow 10x year over year. But even with the success, our executive team was only growing more and more splintered by unspoken feuds and hidden grudges. That’s when we contacted Jonathan. With his help in facilitating our executive team meetings, we were able to iron out many of the wrinkles that were keeping us from communicating throughout all departments thanks to implementation of the Rockefeller Habits and Scaling Up principles.

– Grace Eleyae, CEO, Grace Eleyae Inc.

Next generation leaders Justin White testimonials

As a family-owned and operated company, we face more than just the usual business challenges. Jonathan plays a pivotal role in helping us create systems and procedures to run our business more effectively, and create a better quality of life for the owners. Jonathan’s coaching has provided me with the confidence and knowledge to grow our company further than I thought possible. I would recommend Jonathan to anyone that owns or operates a business. Whether you are looking to grow your company or just want to improve your quality of life, Jonathan can make it happen.

– Justin White, CEO, K&D Landscaping

Next generation leaders Chris-Lonergan testimonials

I knew early that we were onto something and had a company with upside. Despite high demand for our products and services, I struggled to make the right hires and build the necessary foundation to scale my company the way I wanted to. My leadership team participated in Jonathan’s “Growing Leaders Program” this past year. I found it helped me improve my leadership and increase accountability across the company and equipped my team with greater operational efficiencies, developing meaningful measurement and generating results.

– Chris Lonergan, CEO & President, Communications Partners Inc. BenefitElect Inc.

Next generation leaders Clayton Nicholson testimonials

Jonathan has a unique way of connecting on a personal level with everyone involved on the team and becomes part of the family with ease. His continued guidance, support, and business tools have helped me stay focused on our “BHAG” and work through the day to day roadblocks that often take me off course. For anyone looking to get out of the dreaded trap of working “in the business” as opposed to working “on the business”, Jonathan will give you the confidence to step outside of your comfort zone and help you achieve any of the goals you have set for both yourself and your business.

– Clayton Nicholson, President, Dinsmore Landscape

Chris Sugai testimonials

Jonathan has consistently come up with great ideas to solve the business issues I have faced over the years. He has also been proactive and gotten things moving in the right direction without my ever asking. He has a deep Rolodex of people to draw from and has more than a few times introduced me to future business or opportunities. I would highly recommend him to others.

– Chris Sugai, CEO, Niner Bikes

Next generation leaders David Crown testimonials

Jonathan is an expert at moving individuals and teams past obstacles to attain goals. He shines at helping a department determine what the critical measures and metrics are, and then delivers the insight and experience to lead the group to smoother operations and higher profits. That’s what he did for my company, Los Angeles Property Management Group. I value his input, judgment and friendship greatly.

– David A. Crown, CEO, LA Property Management Group


The direction of my business and the focus of my time have definitely improved since I started working with Jonathan. Regular, consistent coaching has kept me focused on my business and not the excuses. This economy has taught me that a good reputation will not give me my share of work anymore. Jonathan has taught me to TAKE MARKET SHARE with a plan and confidence. I highly recommend Jonathan Goldhill, coaching works.

– Kevin Grochau, Active California Landscape Architect, Cal Poly SLO Landscape Arch. Dept. Faculty and Desert Native Plant Specialist


Thank you, Jonathan! You did a great job leading the sessions this week. I meant it when I said the past 2.5 days exceeded expectations. I have been through several strategy sessions with a number of companies (both facilitating and participating). You allowed us to go into the weeds when we could justify it, you ensured everyone was engaged, you asked great questions and probed, you drove towards specific deliverables, and you used a number of relevant examples that added a lot of clarity to the team.

– Bob Urban, COO at Bridge Masters, Inc.


I worked with Jonathan as a member of one of his CEO groups for four years and have to credit him with an outstanding job helping me attain professional growth. He has a knack for listening well and taking in the subject matter and providing guidance and insight from a different perspective. He pushes me to uncomfortable places that I know I need to get to. Without Jonathan my company and I wouldn’t be where we are today.

– Craig Pollack, Owner, FPA Technology Services Encino, CA