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One-on-One Business Coaching

Home One-On-One Coaching Benefits – The Goldhill Group

Would You Benefit from One-On-One Coaching with Jonathan?

The answer is almost certainly a resounding yes.


Think about it: just because you own your business doesn’t mean you have all the answers. You can’t possibly know everything. One-on-one coaching with Jonathan Goldhill allows you to work with someone who may not have all the answers – but he has guided many.


After 30 years of working across a diverse range of industries and people, Jonathan has the knowledge and experience you can leverage to drive your business and personal growth through one-on-one coaching. He sees things objectively through his ‘best practices’ lens and years of psychological training and development so you gain insight, clarity and, most importantly, an effective plan for the future.

What Issues are best resolved with One-On-One Coaching?

  • Leaf bullets Feeling alone with nobody to talk with and serve as a sounding board to improve your performance.
  • Leaf bullets Not seeing your blind spots and helping you get unstuck from performance patterns. 
  • Leaf bullets Learning how to elevate your leadership and problem-solving abilities.  
  • Leaf bullets Looking at methods to draw on the full intelligence of your mind, heart, body, and spirit. 
  • Leaf bullets Gaining clarity on seeing and managing your “true” situations, behaviors and results.
  • Leaf bullets Having an outsider, an expert at pushing you through tricky times with insightful questions.
  • Leaf bullets Identifying ways to improve company profits, processes, and people.
  • Leaf bullets Developing more accountability in your life and those you lead.

What You Can Expect

Clients tell me that my sessions are a bit like talking to a business therapist despite the fact that they are structured with some laser focused learning, clarifying issues, identifying blind spots, troubleshooting and creating accountability for your custom-set goals.

Before We Start

Typically, we'll start with a cultural assessment of you, your leadership and the environment surrounding you. This gives me an opportunity to specifically identify the issues that need addressing or, at the very least, provide a starting point for discussion. We will review the feedback of others so we ensure the meetings are focused on your most important challenges and opportunities.

Meeting Setup

Although we can tailor your sessions anyway you want, we have found the most effective approach is to hold 60-90 minute weekly/biweekly calls via video conference. These sessions are yours to use as you like.

What You Also Get

Personalized Playbook for success
Ongoing email and phone support